Really speedy post here because so much has happened and so little time!
after what can only be classed a strange year and a bit.... I thought it was time I sorted out a few loose ends and made some real plans, well my plans went there own way as they tend to but the results are....
Everything was planned to change on my birthday and trying to get some things to fit in were difficult but I managed to pull it all of.. So on my birthday (yeah)...
My divorce was finalised
I legally changed my name
I formed a limited company
I signed for the keys for my new shop
I played golf (argh dont know what i was thinking)
And I am learning to fly!
I've told my work I will be leaving (eventually)
From next week i have promised myself that the quiet time in the shop will be used for all my internet things and since i will be bringing all my little online businesses together then I will be blogging ect.. after all I need a record of what could totally blow up in my face but what the heck i will have had fun trying.....
What a brilliant week.... I hope everyone else is having a positive time and if not I'm sending positive vibes your way...
Toodle pip
3 Ways to Relieve Your Chronic Pain
1 week ago
'Tis true! Wow, how much change can one woman go through?!
Best wishes on your choccy adventures...I'm sure much more profitable than soap is :-/
Please post piccies ;)
I'm glad you're back. I'm glad you hung in there and emerged a butterfly. I was checking on you often.
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